Fully-Lined Sleeveless Top

I showed you how I made a pattern for a sleeveless top in a previous blog post (https://quiltingbydiana.com/sewing-a-garment-for-the-first-time-in-over-30-years/). When I washed the completed top, I didn’t like the way the facings needed ironing to make them lay flat again. And I didn’t like seeing the exposed seams. So I decided to figure out how to make the top fully lined. To my surprise, not only did the lined top launder better and look better but it felt better to wear! I thought it would be too warm but, perhaps because I used all cotton fabric, it did not feel too warm at all.

One video I watched made all the difference for me in understanding the “burrito” method for sewing a lining into a sleeveless top. It was “Using The BURRITO METHOD To Create a Sleeveless Top” by Ellie and Mac Patterns. It’s at https://youtu.be/1_GmIQbijks  I highly recommend you watch this video before trying the burrito technique.

The instructions below assume your top is tunic length. If it is shorter, and you don’t need vents for comfort (especially sitting down), then ignore the instructions about creating and finishing vent openings. The vents are closed but the bottom edge is hemmed but not connected. I find that it falls more nicely that way.