Hello world!

This is my first ever blog post. I love making things and I love writing about the process of making those things. I plan to share with you experiments I try, including the successes and failures. 🙂 These days I’m making quilts and quilted items (tote bags, pillow covers, etc.). If there are any specific quilted-related topics you would like to see me write about, please let me know in the comments. Thanks!


  1. I look forward to reading your blog. I tried a little quilting years ago and I loved it although the result was “cute”, not much more. And then sewing and beading took over all my time.

    1. Thank you Lise Anne! Cute is fine 🙂 If it gave you joy, then maybe you might want to try again? I have a number of beginner tutorials if those would help. Otherwise, maybe something I post in the blog will inspire you. I hope so! If not, then sewing and beading are good 🙂

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